100 surnames were randomly picked up from a local telephone directory and the frequency distribution of the number of letters in the English alphabets in the surname was obtained as follows :

Question :

Number of Letters1 – 44 – 77 – 1010 – 1313 – 1616 – 19
Number of Surnames630401644

Determine the median number of letters in the surnames. Find the mean number of letters in the surnames ? Also, find the modal size of the surnames.

Solution :

Calculation of median :

First, we prepare the following table to compute the median :

Number of LetterNumber of surnames (frequency)cumulative frequency
1 – 466
4 – 73036
7 – 104076
10 – 131692
13 – 16496
16 – 194100

We have : n = 100, so \(n\over 2\) = 50

The cumulative frequency just greater than 50 is 76 and the corresponding class is (7 – 10). Thus, (7 – 10) is the median class such that

\(n\over 2\) = 50, l = 7, cf = 36, f = 40 and h = 3.

Substituting these values in the formula,

Median = l + (\({n\over 2} – cf\over f\))\(\times \) h

= 7 + (\(50 – 26\over 40\))(3) = 7 + 1.05 = 8.05

Calculation of mean :

Number of lettersMid-value (\(x_i\))Frequency (\(f_i\))\(f_ix_i\)
1 – 42.5615
4 – 75.530165
7 – 108.540340
10 – 1311.516184
13 – 1614.5458
16 – 1917.5470

Mean = \(\sum f_ix_i\over \sum f_i\) = \(832\over 100\) = 8.32

Calculation of mode :

The class (7 – 10) has the maximum frequency. Therefore, this is the modal class.

Here, l = 7, h = 3, \(f_1\) = 40, \(f_0\) = 30 and \(f_2\) = 16

Now, let us substitute these values in the formula

Mode = l + (\(f_1 – f_0\over 2f_1 – f_0 – f_2\))(h) = 7 + \(10\over 34\) \(\times\) 3 = 7 + 0.88 = 7.88

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