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Mean Deviation About Mean and Median – Formula and Examples

Here you will learn what is the mean deviation formula with examples.

Let’s begin – 

Mean Deviation Formula

(i) For Ungrouped distribution :

Definition : If x1, x2, ….. , xn are n values of a variable X, then the mean deviation from an average A (median or arithmetic mean) is given by

Mean Deviation (M.D)  = ni=1|xiA|n

M.D = din,  where di = xi – A

Example : Calculate the mean deviation about median from the following data : 340, 150, 210, 240, 300, 310, 320

Solution : Arranging the observations in ascending order of magnitude, we have 150, 210, 240, 300, 310, 320, 340.

Clearly, the middle observation is 300. So, median is 300.

xi |di| = |xi300|
340 40
150 150
210 90
240 60
300 0
310 10
320 20
Total di = 370

Mean Deviation (M.D.) = din = 3707 = 52.8

Also Read : What is the Formula for Mean Median and Mode

(ii) For discrete frequency distribution :

Definition : If xi/fi; i = 1, 2, …. , n is the frequency distribution, then the mean deviation from an average A (median or arithmetic mean) is given by

Mean Deviation (M.D)  = ni=1fi|xiA|N

where ni=1fi = N

Example : Calculate the mean deviation about mean from the following data :

xi 3 9 17 23 27
fi 8 10 12 9 5

Solution : Calculation of mean deviation about mean.

xi fi fixi |xi15| fi|xi15|
3 8 24 12 96
9 10 90 6 60
17 12 204 2 24
23 9 207 8 72
27 5 135 12 60
N = fi = 44 fixi = 660 fi|xi15| = 312

Mean = fixiN = 66044 = 15

Mean Deviation = M.D. = ni=1fi|xi15|N = 31244 = 7.09

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